FORWARD OHIO 4/26/14 (Columbus)

Forward Ohio 2014 is scheduled for Saturday, April 26th, 2014 in Columbus, Ohio. Forward Ohio will continue to not only be a celebration of our involvement in DIY hardcore, but an opportunity to acknowledge and utilize our privilege to be involved in hardcore to help others beyond our community. This year we will be raising funds to contribute to autism awareness and funds to help individuals and families who are impacted by autism. 

Current Roster and Venue Information;

Saturday, April 26th, 2014
4:00pm at Kobo
2590 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43202

FUCK YOU PAY ME(clevo hc/Erba and friends)
SEA OF SHIT(chicago power violence)
NO TIME(pitt oi/hc)
KDC(buffalo melodic hc)
PIZZA HI FIVE(lima grind)
BACKSLIDER(philly power violence)
GRIN AND BEAR IT(clevo grind)
PANCREATECTOMIE(cbus goregrind)
…all ages
…10 dollars at the door


Saturday, April 26th, 2014
8:00pm at Ace of Cups
2619 North High Street
Columbus, Ohio 43202

OI POLLOI(scotland arnarcho punk)
WARTORN(appletonwi crust)
VINDICTIVE(orange county anarcho punk)
LOSE THE TUDE(cbus hc)
…ages 18 and up
…10 dollars at the door

The two venues are across the street from each other in the North Campus/Clintonville part of Columbus.

Once we get closer to the fest, we will be sure to announce set times. Visit for frequent updates.


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