Penis Geyser / Lotus Fucker split 7" record release show

This is going to be split release between Solar Funeral and SPHC, we are aiming to have the record ready for this show in Columbus on 1/14/11. This is the first show of a 3 day mini tour for the two bands.

Fri, January 14 - Columbus OH at The Legion of Doom with Mugger, Silo, Outlast

Sat, January 15 - Lexington KY at HammerHead House with Asadachi, Lynch Mob, Globsters

Sun, January 16 - Knoxville TN at Poison Lawn with Argentinum Astrum and one more

For those not in the know, Penis Geyser is a Columbus group (until recently) that plays some of the most extreme and interesting music ever to grace our small, local DIY scene. Their first tape was about a minute and a half long, and had over 20 songs listed, if that gives you an idea. This will be their 2nd vinyl appearance, after the split 7" with Japan's Napalm Death Is Dead. Before that, they released 3 (I think?) different cassettes. Needless to say, I am ecstatic to help document a part of Penis Geyser's existence.

Lotus Fucker is a raw punk group from Washington D.C./Baltimore. It took me about .5 seconds to say "yes" to the idea of making the Penis Geyser record a split with Lotus Fucker. If I am counting correctly, at this late hour in my work day, this will be their 4th vinyl appearance, and their material on this split will not disappoint any fans of their brand of hell-noise hardcore.

Ordering details to come around the record release show.


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